BOCA (DIFC) just joined EcoDine

Bite back
at Climate Change

Help us remove
your meal’s climate impact!

How it works

In the fight against climate change, every meal counts.

EcoDine gives you a simple and seamless way to have a tangible impact on our climate. With just a few simple steps, you can remove the carbon footprint of your meal, joining the large eco-conscious dining community committed to making a difference.




Scan QR

Simply scan the QR code located on your table or menu to get started. It's your first step towards making a positive impact!




Remove Your CO2

Use the web app to select the amount of CO2 you wish to remove. Complete your selection with a secure payment.




Create Local Impact

By contributing, you're supporting local and regional CO2 removal projects. Creating a healthier, more sustainable environment together!

Find EcoDine Here

Navigate below to locate your favourite restaurants making a difference with every meal. Or discover your next favourite eco-friendly eatery now - from cozy cafes to bustling bistros, we’ve got all the spots where your meals have an impact on the planet!

Help us reach:

1 million CO2 free meals

We believe every meal is a catalyst for community-led climate action, creating a healthier planet one dish at a time. That's why we’ve set an ambitious goal: to, together, remove the CO2 impact of 1 million meals.

Each EcoDine restaurant actively measures and reduces their carbon footprint. From sourcing local ingredients to minimising waste, they're on the front lines of creating a more sustainable dining experience.

Meals removed


Total meals
removed this month


CO2 removed


Equivalent of

686.8 KMs

driven by a car

Avg Removal


Deliciously Impactful

Every meal you reduce the CO2 off contributes directly to high quality, local and regionally focussed projects that remove CO2 from our atmosphere.

Funds collected via the EcoDine program initiative go towards two high-integrity environmental projects in our wider region, such as mangrove planting in the UAE, rebuilding coastal habitats in South Asia.

Over time, we integrate new CO2 removal projects and regularly assess the performance of existing ones to enhance our environmental impact.

How to eat more Climate Conscious

Every day, our food choices create ripples that extend far beyond our plates. By embracing eco-conscious decisions, we're not just selecting what to eat—we're actively shaping a healthier planet. And by doing so, we're proving that collective action is not just a choice but a meaningful way to create a better planet's future. Below you find practical ways to eat more climate conscious:

Reduce Meat intake

Choosing vegetarian meals more often reduces carbon emissions and water usage linked to meat production. It's a tasty way to help the planet!

Shop Local

Purchase your food at local markets or stores that offer local options. This reduces transportation emissions and supports UAE's local farmers and economy.

Reduce Food Waste

Plan your meals and buy only what you need. Saving food from the trash saves the resources used to grow, transport, and package it.

Avoid Over-Ordering

When eating out or ordering in, order only as much as you can eat. This helps reduce food waste and saves energy on leftovers that might not be used.

Limit Dairy Intake

Reducing dairy consumption can lower your carbon footprint, as dairy production involves significant water and energy use. Try plant-based alternatives!

Dine Eco-Friendly

Choose to dine at restaurants that prioritize sustainability. Look for places that use local ingredients, minimize waste, and conserve energy. Your patronage supports their eco-friendly practices.


What is EcoDine?

Climate action is urgently needed. We’ve introduced Ecodine to bridge the gap between intention and action for our climate. We’ve made a tool that removes your meal's CO2 footprint with a few taps. It’s a convenient, transparent, and tangible way to make a climate impact.

Start your climate action with a simple QR code scan at the table or on the delivery flyer. Before you know it, you’ve made a real impact in our region. By joining EcoDine, you also support the UAE’s net zero strategies for 2050. Together, we can help align thousands of residents and tourists with the UAE’s goal, making a big difference for our planet

How does EcoDine work?

Measurement is the starting point of every net zero journey. CarbonSifr's proprietary AI-enabled emission calculation engine measures the restaurant's CO2 impact by mapping its activities against a vast database of climate impact data, following international Greenhouse Gas and Climate Accounting standards.

This CO2 measurement serves as our baseline, allowing us to accurately calculate the carbon impact of each dish served at your restaurant. The KGs of CO2 per dish are what you help reduce with EcoDine.

You take action by scanning the QR code on your table/on your delivery, which takes you to a simple web app where you can remove the carbon footprint of your meal in simple steps: You select the number of meals you want to remove the CO2 from then after payment, we remove the CO2 on your behalf.

Why is the CO2 cost the same for all meals?

Currently, we use an average value for all meals. We are working towards a more detailed approach to estimate emissions based on specific items for more accurate results.

Where does the money go?

Most of your contribution goes towards high-integrity environmental restoration projects, such as mangrove and tree planting projects in the UAE and the region. The current projects are:

1. UAE - Quest For Adventure - Mangrove tree planting in areas designated by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, link
2. Pakistan - Verra Delta Blue Carbon - Mangrove restoration project,
3. Etiopia - Plan Vivo - Ecosystem restoration and agroforestry by landless and smallholder farmers in Tigray,

CarbonSifr receives a small service fee for the technology provided and the carbon removal administration. The restaurant does not make money from this initiative. 

Is my payment safe?

Yes, neither the restaurant nor CarbonSifr has access to your card details. Your payment is processed through a secure gateway authorized by the UAE central bank.

Will I receive a receipt for my contribution?

We are working on enabling this. Soon, you will receive an email with a digital receipt confirming your contribution and the amount of CO2 removed.

Are you a restaurant who wants to join EcoDine?

Pass on your details

The EcoDine team will reach out within 24 hours